
升溫不超過2°C的變數 全球農業氮肥「一氧化二氮預算」首出爐

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief報導,根據全球碳計畫()的研究,全世界用於生產糧食的氮肥,可能會使全球升溫2°C以內的氣候目標更難達成。

全世界用於生產糧食的氮肥,可能會使全球升溫2°C以內的氣候目標更難達成。照片來源:StateofIsrael(CC BY 2.0)





一氧化二氮排放趨勢與氣候目標 兩者途徑不相容






人為一氧化二氮排放 大部分來自農業中的氮肥













研究作者、澳洲聯邦科學與工業研究組織(CSIRO)氣候研究中心首席科學家、全球碳計畫執行董事康納戴爾(Pep Canadell)博士說,這表示要將全球暖化限制在2°C以下,未來的幾十年需要迅速減少一氧化二氮排放。


未參與研究的阿伯丁大學植物和土壤科學系主任史密斯(Pete Smith)教授說,這表示全世界需要改變飲食習慣因應氣候變遷。 「我們必須找到更有效率的糧食生產方法,同時降低氮的用量和每單位產品的排放量。 我們還必須重新設計糧食體系,使其減少依賴肉類和奶製品等效率低下的糧食供應鏈,並顯著減少糧食浪費,在地球可負荷範圍內養活我們所有人。」

Nitrogen fertiliser use could 'threaten global climate goals' by DAISY DUNNE

The world's use of nitrogen fertilisers for food production could threaten efforts to keep global warming below 2C above pre-industrial levels.

That is according to the Global Carbon Project's first comprehensive assessment of how nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions are contributing to climate change.

Published in Nature, the results show that human-caused N2O emissions have increased by 30% over the past four decades – with the use of nitrogen fertilisers in agriculture playing a major role in the uptick.

A growing demand for meat and dairy products has also contributed to the surge. This is because livestock manure causes N2O emissions and nitrogen fertilisers are often used in the production of animal feed, the scientists say.

The countries with the fastest growing human-caused N2O emissions include Brazil, China and India, the research adds.

Potent pollutant

N2O is a long-lived greenhouse gas that is almost 300 times more potent than CO2 over a 100-year period. It is the third-largest contributor to climate change after CO2 and methane.

The gas is released into the atmosphere by various natural processes, including through the activity of microbes in soils and oceans. Other natural processes, including chemical reactions in the stratosphere and troposphere, cause a reduction in N2O emissions.

However, human activities can also cause N2O to be released into the atmosphere. Human-caused N2O emissions chiefly come from agriculture, with the fossil-fuel industry and biomass burning also contributing to a lesser degree.

The new assessment considered all the ways in which human activities and natural processes contributed to N2O emissions from 2007-16 in order to produce the first global "N2O budget".

The findings show that, unless curbed, human-caused N2O emissions could threaten the Paris Agreement's target of keeping global warming "well below" 2C, says lead author Prof Hanqin Tian, director of the International Center for Climate and Global Change Research at Auburn University in Alabama. He tells Carbon Brief:

"The most surprising result of the study was the finding that current trends in N2O emissions are not compatible with pathways consistent to achieve the climate goals of the Paris Agreement."

First budget

The infographic below, which was produced by the Global Carbon project, summarises the findings. On the infographic, orange arrows show human-caused N2O emissions while green arrows show natural N2O emissions. A blue arrow indicates the reduction in N2O emissions provided by chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere ("atmospheric chemical sink").

The infographic shows that global N2O emissions increased by a net 4.3m tonnes a year, on average, from 2007-16. This figure includes N2O emissions from both natural and human-caused sources.

In that time, human-caused N2O emissions rose to 7.3m tonnes per year. This is 30% higher than four decades ago, the study says.

More than half of human-caused N2O emissions come from agriculture. The main driver of these emissions are nitrogen fertilisers, which are routinely sprayed overfood crops in order to boost yields.

Fertiliser application on crops has increased nine-fold worldwide since 1961, according to a recent landmark report on land and climate change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released in 2019.

However, a growing demand for meat and dairy products is also a driver of increasing agricultural emissions, the researchers say in their paper:

"Growing demand for meat and dairy products has substantially increased global N2O emissions from livestock manure production and management associated with the expansion of pastures and grazing land."

The assessment shows that, since the 1980s, agricultural N2O emissions have been rising the fastest in East and South Asia, South America and Africa.

Meanwhile, agricultural N2O emissions in North America have stayed consistently high, while Europe has seen a small dip in its agricultural N2O emissions.

As part of their analysis, the scientists explored how current N2O emissions compare with those from the scenarios used to make future projections about climate change.

These include the "Representative Concentration Pathways" (RCPs) and the "Shared Socioeconomic Pathways" (SSPs). 

Chart A below shows how global N2O emissions compare with projected emissions from the RCPs. Chart C, meanwhile, shows how global concentrations of N2O compare to projected concentrations from the RCPs.

(RCP2.6 is a scenario where the world successfully limits global warming to below 2C, whereas RCP8.5 is a scenario of very high emissions, where temperatures could rise by around 4.3C or more by the end of the century.)

Chart B shows how global N2O emissions compare with projected emissions from the SSPs, while chart D shows how global concentrations of N2O compare to projected concentrations from the SSPs.

(SSP3 is a scenario where countries do little to cooperate on climate action, whereas SSP1 is a scenario where the world shifts its focus to meeting climate targets.)

On the charts, the black line shows average N2O emissions, whereas the blue line shows "bottom-up" estimates and the yellow line shows "top-down" estimates. (Bottom-up estimates are based on country inventory data, whereas top-up estimates are obtained from global models and satellite data.)

in order to limit global warming to below 2C, N2O emissions will need to be rapidly reduced in the coming decades, explains study author Dr Pep Canadell, chief research scientist at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Climate Research Centre in Australia and executive director of the Global Carbon Project. He tells Carbon Brief:

"The global food system will always leak some N2O given there are no alternatives to nitrogen fertiliser for growing so much of the food we eat. However, we must become much more efficient in the way we use it, which will lead to significant emission reductions."

The findings reinforce the message that the world needs to change its eating habits in order to tackle climate change, says Prof Pete Smith, chair of plant and soil science at the University of Aberdeen, who was not involved in the research. He tells Carbon Brief:

"The study underlines that we must find more efficient ways of producing food, with lower nitrogen inputs and emissions per unit of product. But also, we must redesign our current food system so that it can feed us all within 'planetary boundaries' by reducing reliance on inefficient supply chains such as meat and dairy and by dramatically reducing food waste."

※ 全文及圖片詳見:()


  • Tian, H. et al. (2020) A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks, Nature,






※選擇示波器的10 項考量因素







Orignal From: 升溫不超過2°C的變數 全球農業氮肥「一氧化二氮預算」首出爐



中國企業挖山破壞環境 事後竟噴漆「綠化」禿山

摘錄自2019年9月12日自由時報報導 中國河南三門峽山區被人發現遭當地企業噴漆,疑似為躲避衛星偵測,將數十處裸露的山體都被噴上藍綠色漆「綠化」,企圖掩蓋被挖開的荒禿山體,提高植披覆蓋率。 綜合中國媒體報導,河南三門峽一家礦產企業將開挖後的山體噴成了藍綠色,有民眾看不下去,向媒體爆料,用空拍機調查後發現,當地數十處裸山都被如法炮製,消息傳出後引發軒然大波,礦企負責人聲稱,涉事地段山體陡峭裸露,不太好看,噴灑該綠色液體可以防揚塵,而且也不會影響植被的自然恢復。 三門峽生態環境局表示,目前已經介入調查,對調查中發現的問題,將從嚴處理,絕不姑息遷就。 本站聲明:網站內容來源再生能源資訊網https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理本站聲明:網站內容來源再生能源資訊網https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理【其他文章推薦】 ※專業機台 儀器租賃 服務及相關銷售資訊 ※哪家廠商 儀器租賃 較便宜,可彈性租期? ※ 示波器 鮮為人知的使用技巧? ※高價位跟低價位的 示波器 又有何差異?   Orignal From: 中國企業挖山破壞環境 事後竟噴漆「綠化」禿山

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