



加州的交通狀況。攝(CC0 1.0)


「沒有什麼問題比氣候變遷更迫切,氣候變遷是危及我們生命和生計的全球性威脅。加州等多個州政府和合作汽車製造商正在引領能讓空氣更乾淨、安全的智慧政策」加州州長紐森(Gavin Newsom)說,「現在我呼籲其他汽車業加入,讓川普政府採納這種務實的折衷辦法,而不是一味開政策倒車。這對我們的經濟、人民和地球都是正確的作法。 」

「這項合作協議是實現加州和汽車工業目標的可行、可接受途徑,」加州空氣資源委員會主席尼科爾斯(Mary Nichols)說,「如果白宮不同意,我們將繼續遵循現行標準,但與個別汽車製造商合作實施這些原則。同時,如果目前的聯邦汽車標準定案,我們仍將繼續執行我們的規範,並對聯邦法規提出法律上的挑戰。」





「我們必須合作確保加州和全國能有一個強而有力、以科學為基礎的國家標準,這個標準要逐年提高,為汽車製造商和消費者提供確定性,減少溫室氣體排放,並保護公眾健康。 」





Automakers Reject Trump Rollback of Clean Car Standards SACRAMENTO, California, July 26, 2019 (ENS)

As the Trump administration prepares to roll back emission standards for light-duty cars and trucks, a consortium of four automakers and the state of California have agreed on a voluntary framework to reduce emissions as an alternative path forward for clean vehicle standards nationwide.

Automakers who agreed to the framework are Ford, Honda, BMW of North America and Volkswagen Group of America.

The framework supports continued annual reductions of vehicle greenhouse gas emissions through the 2026 model year, encourages innovation to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles, and provides industry the certainty needed to make investments and create jobs.

This commitment means that the auto companies party to the voluntary agreement will only sell cars in the United States that meet these standards.

"Few issues are more pressing than climate change, a global threat that endangers our lives and livelihoods. California, a coalition of states, and these automakers are leading the way on smart policies that make the air cleaner and safer for us all," said California Governor Gavin Newsom.

"I now call on the rest of the auto industry to join us, and for the Trump administration to adopt this pragmatic compromise instead of pursuing its regressive rule change," Newsome said. "It's the right thing for our economy, our people and our planet."

Under the framework, gasoline and diesel cars and light trucks will get cleaner through 2026 at about the same rate as they would under the current program, adopted under the Obama administration.

"This agreement represents a feasible and acceptable path to accomplishing the goals of California and the automobile industry," said California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols.

"If the White House does not agree, we will move forward with our current standards but work with individual carmakers to implement these principles," said Nichols. "At the same time, if the current federal vehicle standards proposal is finalized, we will continue to enforce our regulations and pursue legal challenges to the federal rule."

The agreement comes as the Trump administration is preparing to roll back federal vehicle emission standards, freezing them at the 2020 level through the 2026 model year. This move threatens air quality and health for millions of Americans, would increase costs to consumers, and promises to further set back U.S. efforts to combat climate change, Governor Newsom's office said in a statement.

The rollback has faced growing opposition from a broad array of governors and mayors, auto companies, labor, consumer groups, public health organizations, and environmental groups.

Earlier this month, a bipartisan coalition of 24 governors representing more than half the U.S. population came together in calling for a stronger, national clean car standard.

In their statement, entitled "The Nation's Clean Car Promise," the governors called for a commonsense approach that protects the role of states at the negotiating table and establishes a strong, national standard.

"We must unite to ensure a strong, science-based national standard, in California and across the country, that increases year-over-year, provides certainty for automakers and consumers, reduces greenhouse gases, and protects public health," the 24 governors said.

The statement is signed not just by the 13 states that follow California's clean car standards, but by 10 additional states led by both Republican and Democratic governors. Together, this bipartisan coalition represents 57 percent of the U.S. economy and more than half of U.S. annual auto sales.

In June, the California Air Resources Board signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Canada committing both governments to work together on developing their respective regulations to cut emissions from light-duty vehicles, such as those currently in effect in Canada, California and the 13 U.S. states that have adopted California's standards.

Trump's proposed rollback threatens to pump billions of tons of climate-altering greenhouse gases, as well as millions of tons of particulate matter and ozone-causing pollutants, into the atmosphere. By the US Environmental Protection Agency's own estimates, health-related costs from the rollback could be as much as $12 billion nationally by 2025.

In a letter last month, 17 worldwide automakers appealed to the White House and California to work together on a single national standard, warning of uncertainty for the auto market and noting that auto industry jobs are at stake.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:






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Orignal From: 川普政府打算撤銷歐巴馬時代設立的聯邦車輛減排政策-2020至2060車型年



中國企業挖山破壞環境 事後竟噴漆「綠化」禿山

摘錄自2019年9月12日自由時報報導 中國河南三門峽山區被人發現遭當地企業噴漆,疑似為躲避衛星偵測,將數十處裸露的山體都被噴上藍綠色漆「綠化」,企圖掩蓋被挖開的荒禿山體,提高植披覆蓋率。 綜合中國媒體報導,河南三門峽一家礦產企業將開挖後的山體噴成了藍綠色,有民眾看不下去,向媒體爆料,用空拍機調查後發現,當地數十處裸山都被如法炮製,消息傳出後引發軒然大波,礦企負責人聲稱,涉事地段山體陡峭裸露,不太好看,噴灑該綠色液體可以防揚塵,而且也不會影響植被的自然恢復。 三門峽生態環境局表示,目前已經介入調查,對調查中發現的問題,將從嚴處理,絕不姑息遷就。 本站聲明:網站內容來源再生能源資訊網https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理本站聲明:網站內容來源再生能源資訊網https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理【其他文章推薦】 ※專業機台 儀器租賃 服務及相關銷售資訊 ※哪家廠商 儀器租賃 較便宜,可彈性租期? ※ 示波器 鮮為人知的使用技巧? ※高價位跟低價位的 示波器 又有何差異?   Orignal From: 中國企業挖山破壞環境 事後竟噴漆「綠化」禿山

今夏最強的咖啡跑店計畫!「拿鐵衝浪」讓你全台 100+ 限定特調免費喝

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鋼管雙雄 6月盤價齊降

受上游鋼廠中鋼(2002)、中鴻(2014)降價影響,鋼管雙雄美亞(2020)、高興昌(2008)26日宣布,全面調降6月黑鋼管、鍍鋅鋼管及錏板管等產品內銷價格,每公噸降600~1,200元,其中,美亞黑鋼管降幅大於高興昌。 此外,受惠於美國頁岩油開發油井增多與API鋼管需求轉強,高興昌、中鴻近來接單暢旺,其中,高興昌接單能見度到達年底,單月訂單量增為1,500公噸;中鴻單月產銷量都達到7,000~8,000公噸,較去年訂單量大幅成長,讓市場氣氛由「會悲哀」,轉為「不會悲哀」。 美亞經過近一周的內部討論與評估,26日決定,6月黑鋼管產品每公噸調降1,200元,鍍鋅鋼管每公噸降600元、降幅2%左右,錏板管每公噸降600元,以反映上游鋼廠調降熱軋等相關產品原料價格。 對於6月接單目標量與市場前景,美亞業務副總吳倫吉表示,以目前需求較差的市場,6月接單目標量到底多少,仍需要視客戶對於新價格能否接受而定。至於後市前景,也需要看大陸疫情能否儘快解封,只要解封,需求就會釋出,但對於印度提高出口關稅一事,對市場的效益推升仍需要觀察。 信泰電機生產製作:鋁殼電阻、繞線電阻、 剎車電阻、 煞車電阻 、大功率電阻、 回升電阻 、 回昇電阻 、平衡電阻、陶瓷電阻、模擬負載、大功率繞線電阻器製造、燒機設備規劃及施工、變壓器及電抗器製造、自動控制器材零組件買賣、DC電源供應器製造、電子零組件製造業。 金誠貨櫃實業社 以客為尊,客製化的設計與服務搭配專業的工班,能夠提供全方位的 貨櫃屋 組合方案、 貨櫃屋改裝 及裝潢設計配合您的需求打造出一個完善的居住空間 各大百貨每波促銷贈品活動,限量知名LOGO L型資料夾 ,獨家販售中!! L型文件夾是市面上最常見到的收納文具,有多層與各種厚度可選擇,也可客製化製作專屬自己的尺寸 空壓機 這裡買最划算!晨達空壓機秉持著專業空壓機技術、優質快速服務、空壓機合理價格。為您解決工作中需要風量、風壓的問題。 建南和著重於 工業用機械手臂 、工業型 無線充電裝置 、精密加工元件等產品之經銷、代理、進出口貿易 高興昌也決定,6月黑鋼管每公噸降900元,鍍鋅鋼管每公噸降600元,無螺紋電線管每公噸降900元,以反映原料成本。 高興昌表示,上述各項產品目前接單穩定,單月銷量達到2,400~2,500公噸左右,但外銷北美的API鋼管接單暢旺,目