
數字首度公開! 一部失敗的美國氣候法案 企業反向遊說造成多少社會成本?

環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:Carbon Brief


環境經濟學家凱孟(Kyle Meng)博士和羅德(Ashwin Rode)博士首次量化出這種反氣候遊說活動對社會造成的損失。

美國國會大廈。圖片來源:Kevin McCoy(CC BY-SA 2.0)







該法案正式名稱為「2009年美國乾淨能源和安全法」(the American Clean Energy and Security Act 2009)。該法案提議,根據2005年的水準,2020年美國的排放量應減少17%,2050年減少80%,以起草的兩位民主黨代表威克斯曼(Henry Waxman)和馬基(Edward Markey)為名。













Lobbying against key US climate regulation 'cost society $60bn', study finds

Political lobbying in the US that helped block the progress of proposed climate regulation a decade ago led to a social cost of $60bn, according to a new study.

Environmental economists Dr Kyle Meng and Dr Ashwin Rode have produced what they believe is the first attempt to quantify the toll such anti-climate lobbying efforts take on society.

The pair say their work reveals the power firms can have in curtailing government action on climate change, in the face of "overwhelming evidence" that its social benefitsoutweigh the costs, which range from reduced farming yields to lower GDP.

Crucially, they found that the various fossil-fuel and transport companies expecting to emerge as "losers" after the bill were more effective lobbyists than those expecting gains.

The authors say their results, published in Nature Climate Change, support the conclusion that lobbying is partly responsible for the scarcity of climate regulations being enacted around the world.

However, they tell Carbon Brief that there is still hope for those seeking to develop effective new climate policies:

"Our bottom line is: climate policy emerges from a political process. We've shown that this political process can undermine the chances of passing climate policy. But we've also shown that careful design of climate policy can help make it more politically robust to opposition."


The Waxman-Markey bill, described by the study's authors as "the most prominent and promising US climate regulation so far", did not make it past the Senate in 2010, meaning it never passed into law.

However, having passed the House of Representatives in summer 2009, it remains the closest the nation has ever come to implementing wide-ranging climate legislation.

Formally known as the American Clean Energy and Security Act 2009, the bill proposed a 17% cut in US emissions by 2020 – and then 80% by 2050 – based on 2005 levels. It was named after the two Democrat representatives who wrote it, Henry Waxman and Edward Markey.

A key element of Waxman-Markey was its cap-and-trade scheme, which would have limited the amount of greenhouse gases produced nationally while creating a fixed number of tradable emission permits for industry nationwide. Other measures included a renewable energy standard and legislation for energy efficiency and grid modernisation.

Media reports around the time Waxman-Markey was making its way through the US government made it clear that lobbyists were thought to be hindering its progress.

For Waxman–Markey, they made use of the "comprehensive US congressional lobbying record" to piece together a full picture of the situation at the time.

According to their paper, the bill accounted for around 14% of all recorded lobbying expenditures at the time – more spending on lobbying than for any other policy between 2000 and 2016.

However, some of the highest spenders listed by Meng and Rode in their new paper were those who stood to gain from the bill, such as General Electric and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company.

To understand different lobbyists' motivations, the researchers first had to work out how Waxman-Markey would have affected companies had it passed into law.

They took data on prices from a prediction market tied to the bill while it was being considered by government and combined it with stock prices for firms involved in lobbying. 

Their "innovation", the pair explain, was to combine this information with the stock market prices of publicly listed firms that lobbied on the bill. They were then able to estimate how the values of publicly listed firms were expected to change if the policy had passed.

One benefit of this approach was that it allowed them to establish, in what they describe as a "hands-off", objective manner, who the "winners" and "losers" were in the face of climate regulations. This allowed the researchers to bypass both their own preconceptions, as well as any statements made by the firms themselves which, as the pair point out, may not be reliable.

The team found a statistically significant relationship between how much a firm spent on Waxman-Markey lobbying and how much the bill was expected to change its stock value.

This model revealed that oppositional lobbying – that is to say activities by companies that stood to lose out – was the most effective. This implies the input of "loser" firms, which include Boeing, Marathon Oil, Walmart and Ford, had more influence that "winners", despite spending comparable sums on lobbying. From this conclusion, the researchers estimated that the sum of all lobbying decreased the probability of the bill being enacted by 13%.

Social cost

To pin down the financial impact of lobbying, the researchers built on previous researchthat placed a $467bn (in 2018 US dollars) price tag on the global social cost of the failed Waxman-Markey bill. This was based on forecasts of greenhouse gas emissions that would have been avoided had it come into force.

The cost of these emissions for the world as a whole are well established, as they explain to Carbon Brief:

"A large body of research has demonstrated the costs of unmitigated climate change in myriad contexts, including decreased agricultural yields, increased conflict, increased mortality and morbidity, decreased labor supply, and lower gross domestic product. Failure to enact Waxman-Markey is expected to have had adverse consequence in all these areas by allowing for higher greenhouse gas emissions and thus higher climate damages."

Since they found that lobbying increased the likelihood of the bill not passing by 13%, they assigned this share of the total cost to lobbying efforts. This gave them their final figure of $60bn.

Given the current state of climate policy in the US, Meng and Rode conclude by suggesting how this knowledge could be used to build a new strategy that is more likely to be successful.

They took their model and used it to gauge the impact of providing more free credits under the cap-and-trade system to companies – and particularly those that lobbied against the new bill. As this would lead to greater gains or reduced losses, they found it could effectively reduce the amount of anti-bill lobbying and make it more likely to succeed.

While they note such actions could prove unpopular and have unintended political consequences, they suggest this information could nevertheless be incorporated into future policy-making. They tell Carbon Brief:

"Our new point is that if the very likelihood of having climate policy enacted in the first place may be jeopardised by political influences (via lobbying), why not try to use this revenue to neutralise some of the political opposition in a targeted way."

※ 全文及圖片詳見:


  • Meng, K.C. and Rode, A. (2019) The social cost of lobbying over climate policy, Nature Climate Change, 












Orignal From: 數字首度公開! 一部失敗的美國氣候法案 企業反向遊說造成多少社會成本?



中國企業挖山破壞環境 事後竟噴漆「綠化」禿山

摘錄自2019年9月12日自由時報報導 中國河南三門峽山區被人發現遭當地企業噴漆,疑似為躲避衛星偵測,將數十處裸露的山體都被噴上藍綠色漆「綠化」,企圖掩蓋被挖開的荒禿山體,提高植披覆蓋率。 綜合中國媒體報導,河南三門峽一家礦產企業將開挖後的山體噴成了藍綠色,有民眾看不下去,向媒體爆料,用空拍機調查後發現,當地數十處裸山都被如法炮製,消息傳出後引發軒然大波,礦企負責人聲稱,涉事地段山體陡峭裸露,不太好看,噴灑該綠色液體可以防揚塵,而且也不會影響植被的自然恢復。 三門峽生態環境局表示,目前已經介入調查,對調查中發現的問題,將從嚴處理,絕不姑息遷就。 本站聲明:網站內容來源再生能源資訊網https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理本站聲明:網站內容來源再生能源資訊網https://e-info.org.tw/,如有侵權請聯繫我們,我們將及時處理【其他文章推薦】 ※專業機台 儀器租賃 服務及相關銷售資訊 ※哪家廠商 儀器租賃 較便宜,可彈性租期? ※ 示波器 鮮為人知的使用技巧? ※高價位跟低價位的 示波器 又有何差異?   Orignal From: 中國企業挖山破壞環境 事後竟噴漆「綠化」禿山

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